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- 21 pages
In this paper, we study the problem of locally constructing a sparse spanning subgraph (LSSG), introduced by Levi, Ron, and Rubinfeld (ALGO'20). In this problem, the goal is to locally decide for each e ∈ E if it is in G' where G' is a connected subgraph of G (determined only by G and the randomness of the algorithm). We provide an LSSG that receives as a parameter a lower bound, ϕ, on the conductance of G whose query complexity is Õ(√n/ϕ²). This is almost optimal when ϕ is a constant since Ω(√n) queries are necessary even when G is an expander. Furthermore, this improves the state of the art of Õ(n^{2/3}) queries for ϕ = Ω(1/n^{1/12}). We then extend our result for (k, ϕ_in, ϕ_out)-clusterable graphs and provide an algorithm whose query complexity is Õ(√n + ϕ_out n) for constant k and ϕ_in. This bound is almost optimal when ϕ_out = O(1/√n).
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