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- 17 pages
We prove optimal upper bounds on the Vapnik-Chervonenkis density of formulas in the extensions of first-order logic with counting (FOC_1) and with weight aggregation (FOWA_1) on nowhere dense classes of (vertex- and edge-)weighted finite graphs. This lifts a result of Pilipczuk, Siebertz, and Toruńczyk [Michał Pilipczuk et al., 2018] from first-order logic on ordinary finite graphs to substantially more expressive logics on weighted finite graphs. Moreover, this proves that every FOC_1 formula and every FOWA_1 formula has bounded Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension on nowhere dense classes of weighted finite graphs; thereby, it lifts a result of Adler and Adler [Hans Adler and Isolde Adler, 2014] from first-order logic to FOC_1 and FOWA_1. Generalising another result of Pilipczuk, Siebertz, and Toruńczyk [Michał Pilipczuk et al., 2018], we also provide an explicit upper bound on the ladder index of FOC_1 and FOWA_1 formulas on nowhere dense classes. This shows that nowhere dense classes of weighted finite graphs are FOC_1-stable and FOWA_1-stable.
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