Description Complexity of Unary Structures in First-Order Logic with Links to Entropy

Authors Reijo Jaakkola , Antti Kuusisto , Miikka Vilander

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Author Details

Reijo Jaakkola
  • Mathematics Research Centre, Tampere University, Finland
Antti Kuusisto
  • Mathematics Research Centre, Tampere University, Finland
Miikka Vilander
  • Mathematics Research Centre, Tampere University, Finland

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Reijo Jaakkola, Antti Kuusisto, and Miikka Vilander. Description Complexity of Unary Structures in First-Order Logic with Links to Entropy. In 33rd EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2025). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 326, pp. 17:1-17:20, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2025)


The description complexity of a model is the length of the shortest formula that defines the model. We study the description complexity of unary structures in first-order logic FO, also drawing links to semantic complexity in the form of entropy. The class of unary structures provides, e.g., a simple way to represent tabular Boolean data sets as relational structures. We define structures with FO-formulas that are strictly linear in the size of the model as opposed to using the naive quadratic ones, and we use arguments based on formula size games to obtain related lower bounds for description complexity. For a typical structure the upper and lower bounds in fact match up to a sublinear term, leading to a precise asymptotic result on the expected description complexity of a randomly selected structure. We then give bounds on the relationship between Shannon entropy and description complexity. We extend this relationship also to Boltzmann entropy by establishing an asymptotic match between the two entropies. Despite the simplicity of unary structures, our arguments require the use of formula size games, Stirling’s approximation and Chernoff bounds.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Finite Model Theory
  • Mathematics of computing → Information theory
  • formula size
  • finite model theory
  • formula size games
  • entropy
  • randomness


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