Reachability for Multi-Priced Timed Automata with Positive and Negative Rates

Authors Andrew Scoones , Mahsa Shirmohammadi , James Worrell

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Author Details

Andrew Scoones
  • Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK
Mahsa Shirmohammadi
  • CNRS, IRIF, Université of Paris Cité, France
James Worrell
  • Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK

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Andrew Scoones, Mahsa Shirmohammadi, and James Worrell. Reachability for Multi-Priced Timed Automata with Positive and Negative Rates. In 33rd EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2025). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 326, pp. 18:1-18:13, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2025)


Multi-priced timed automata (MPTA) are timed automata with observer variables whose derivatives can change from one location to another. Observers are read-once variables: they do not affect the control flow of the automaton and their value is output only at the end of a run. Thus MPTA lie between timed and hybrid automata in expressiveness. Previous work considered observers with non-negative slope in every location. In this paper we treat observers that have both positive and negative rates. Our main result is an algorithm to decide a gap version of the reachability problem for this variant of MPTA. We translate the gap reachability problem into a gap satisfiability problem for mixed integer-real systems of nonlinear constraints. Our main technical contribution - a result of independent interest - is a procedure to solve such contraints via a combination of branch-and-bound and relaxation-and-rounding.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Logic and verification
  • Theory of computation → Quantitative automata
  • Theory of computation → Timed and hybrid models
  • Theory of computation → Verification by model checking
  • Bilinear constraints
  • Existential theory of real closed fields
  • Diophantine approximation
  • Pareto curve


  • Access Statistics
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