A Mixed Linear and Graded Logic: Proofs, Terms, and Models

Authors Victoria Vollmer , Danielle Marshall , Harley Eades III , Dominic Orchard

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Author Details

Victoria Vollmer
  • School of Computing, University of Kent, UK
Danielle Marshall
  • School of Computing, University of Kent, UK
Harley Eades III
  • Computer Science, Augusta University, GA, USA
Dominic Orchard
  • School of Computing, University of Kent, UK
  • Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge, UK


We thank all the anonymous reviewers of this, and previous versions, of this paper. We are also grateful for discussions with Peter Hanukaev and helpful comments from Paulo Torrens on a draft of this manuscript.

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Victoria Vollmer, Danielle Marshall, Harley Eades III, and Dominic Orchard. A Mixed Linear and Graded Logic: Proofs, Terms, and Models. In 33rd EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2025). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 326, pp. 32:1-32:21, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2025) https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2025.32


Graded modal logics generalise standard modal logics via families of modalities indexed by an algebraic structure whose operations mediate between the different modalities. The graded "of-course" modality !_r captures how many times a proposition is used and has an analogous interpretation to the of-course modality from linear logic; the of-course modality from linear logic can be modelled by a linear exponential comonad and graded of-course can be modelled by a graded linear exponential comonad. Benton showed in his seminal paper on Linear/Non-Linear logic that the of-course modality can be split into two modalities connecting intuitionistic logic with linear logic, forming a symmetric monoidal adjunction. Later, Fujii et al. demonstrated that every graded comonad can be decomposed into an adjunction and a "strict action". We give a similar result to Benton, leveraging Fujii et al.’s decomposition, showing that graded modalities can be split into two modalities connecting a graded logic with a graded linear logic. We propose a sequent calculus, its proof theory and categorical model, and a natural deduction system which we show is isomorphic to the sequent calculus system. Interestingly, our system can also be understood as Linear/Non-Linear logic composed with an action that adds the grading, further illuminating the shared principles between linear logic and a class of graded modal logics.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Logic
  • linear logic
  • graded modal logic
  • adjoint decomposition


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