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- 22 pages
Parametric timed automata (PTAs) extend the concept of timed automata, by allowing timing delays not only specified by concrete values but also by parameters, allowing the analysis of systems with uncertainty regarding timing behaviors. The full execution-time opacity is defined as the problem in which an attacker must never be able to deduce whether some private location was visited, by only observing the execution time. The problem of full ET-opacity emptiness (i.e., the emptiness over the parameter valuations for which full execution-time opacity is satisfied) is known to be undecidable for general PTAs. We therefore focus here on one-clock PTAs with integer-valued parameters over dense time. We show that the full ET-opacity emptiness is undecidable for a sufficiently large number of parameters, but is decidable for a single parameter, and exact synthesis can be effectively achieved. Our proofs rely on a novel construction as well as on variants of Presburger arithmetics. We finally prove an additional decidability result on an existential variant of execution-time opacity.
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