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- 16 pages
In this paper, we present approximation algorithms for the airport and railway problem (AR) on several classes of graphs. The AR problem, introduced by [Anna Adamaszek et al., 2016], is a combination of the Capacitated Facility Location problem (CFL) and the network design problem. An AR instance consists of a set of points (cities) V in a metric d(.,.), each of which is associated with a non-negative cost f_v and a number k, which represent respectively the cost of establishing an airport (facility) in the corresponding point, and the universal airport capacity. A feasible solution is a network of airports and railways providing services to all cities without violating any capacity, where railways are edges connecting pairs of points, with their costs equivalent to the distance between the respective points. The objective is to find such a network with the least cost. In other words, find a forest, each component having at most k points and one open facility, minimizing the total cost of edges and airport opening costs. Adamaszek et al. [Anna Adamaszek et al., 2016] presented a PTAS for AR in the two-dimensional Euclidean metric ℝ² with a uniform opening cost. In subsequent work [Anna Adamaszek et al., 2018] presented a bicriteria 4/3 (2+1/α)-approximation algorithm for AR with non-uniform opening costs but violating the airport capacity by a factor of 1+α, i.e. (1+α)k capacity where 0 < α ≤ 1, a (2+k/(k-1)+ε)-approximation algorithm and a bicriteria Quasi-Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (QPTAS) for the same problem in the Euclidean plane ℝ². In this work, we give a 2-approximation for AR with a uniform opening cost for general metrics and an O(log n)-approximation for non-uniform opening costs. We also give a QPTAS for AR with a uniform opening cost in graphs of bounded treewidth and a QPTAS for a slightly relaxed version in the non-uniform setting. The latter implies O(1)-approximation on graphs of bounded doubling dimensions, graphs of bounded highway dimensions and planar graphs in quasi-polynomial time.
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