3 Search Results for "Semenov, Alexander"

Inverting Step-Reduced SHA-1 and MD5 by Parameterized SAT Solvers

Authors: Oleg Zaikin

Published in: LIPIcs, Volume 307, 30th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2024)

MD5 and SHA-1 are fundamental cryptographic hash functions proposed in 1990s. Given a message of arbitrary finite size, MD5 produces a 128-bit hash in 64 steps, while SHA-1 produces a 160-bit hash in 80 steps. It is computationally infeasible to invert MD5 and SHA-1, i.e. to find a message given a hash. In 2012, 28-step MD5 and 23-step SHA-1 were inverted by CDCL solvers, yet no progress has been made since then. The present paper proposes to construct 31 intermediate inverse problems for any pair of MD5 or SHA-1 steps (i,i+1), such that the first problem is very close to inverting i steps, while the 31st one is almost inverting i+1 steps. We constructed SAT encodings of intermediate problems for MD5 and SHA-1, and tuned a CDCL solver on the simplest of them. Then the tuned solver was used to design a parallel Cube-and-Conquer solver which for the first time inverted 29-step MD5 and 24-step SHA-1.

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Oleg Zaikin. Inverting Step-Reduced SHA-1 and MD5 by Parameterized SAT Solvers. In 30th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 307, pp. 31:1-31:19, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)

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  author =	{Zaikin, Oleg},
  title =	{{Inverting Step-Reduced SHA-1 and MD5 by Parameterized SAT Solvers}},
  booktitle =	{30th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2024)},
  pages =	{31:1--31:19},
  series =	{Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)},
  ISBN =	{978-3-95977-336-2},
  ISSN =	{1868-8969},
  year =	{2024},
  volume =	{307},
  editor =	{Shaw, Paul},
  publisher =	{Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik},
  address =	{Dagstuhl, Germany},
  URL =		{https://drops.dagstuhl.de/entities/document/10.4230/LIPIcs.CP.2024.31},
  URN =		{urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-207165},
  doi =		{10.4230/LIPIcs.CP.2024.31},
  annote =	{Keywords: cryptographic hash function, MD5, SHA-1, preimage attack, SAT, Cube-and-Conquer}
Track B: Automata, Logic, Semantics, and Theory of Programming
Integer Linear-Exponential Programming in NP by Quantifier Elimination

Authors: Dmitry Chistikov, Alessio Mansutti, and Mikhail R. Starchak

Published in: LIPIcs, Volume 297, 51st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2024)

This paper provides an NP procedure that decides whether a linear-exponential system of constraints has an integer solution. Linear-exponential systems extend standard integer linear programs with exponential terms 2^x and remainder terms (x mod 2^y). Our result implies that the existential theory of the structure (ℕ,0,1,+,2^(⋅),V_2(⋅,⋅), ≤) has an NP-complete satisfiability problem, thus improving upon a recent EXPSPACE upper bound. This theory extends the existential fragment of Presburger arithmetic with the exponentiation function x ↦ 2^x and the binary predicate V_2(x,y) that is true whenever y ≥ 1 is the largest power of 2 dividing x. Our procedure for solving linear-exponential systems uses the method of quantifier elimination. As a by-product, we modify the classical Gaussian variable elimination into a non-deterministic polynomial-time procedure for integer linear programming (or: existential Presburger arithmetic).

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Dmitry Chistikov, Alessio Mansutti, and Mikhail R. Starchak. Integer Linear-Exponential Programming in NP by Quantifier Elimination. In 51st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 297, pp. 132:1-132:20, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)

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  author =	{Chistikov, Dmitry and Mansutti, Alessio and Starchak, Mikhail R.},
  title =	{{Integer Linear-Exponential Programming in NP by Quantifier Elimination}},
  booktitle =	{51st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2024)},
  pages =	{132:1--132:20},
  series =	{Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)},
  ISBN =	{978-3-95977-322-5},
  ISSN =	{1868-8969},
  year =	{2024},
  volume =	{297},
  editor =	{Bringmann, Karl and Grohe, Martin and Puppis, Gabriele and Svensson, Ola},
  publisher =	{Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik},
  address =	{Dagstuhl, Germany},
  URL =		{https://drops.dagstuhl.de/entities/document/10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2024.132},
  URN =		{urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-202758},
  doi =		{10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2024.132},
  annote =	{Keywords: decision procedures, integer programming, quantifier elimination}
Evaluating the Hardness of SAT Instances Using Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms

Authors: Alexander Semenov, Daniil Chivilikhin, Artem Pavlenko, Ilya Otpuschennikov, Vladimir Ulyantsev, and Alexey Ignatiev

Published in: LIPIcs, Volume 210, 27th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2021)

Propositional satisfiability (SAT) solvers are deemed to be among the most efficient reasoners, which have been successfully used in a wide range of practical applications. As this contrasts the well-known NP-completeness of SAT, a number of attempts have been made in the recent past to assess the hardness of propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form (CNF). The present paper proposes a CNF formula hardness measure which is close in conceptual meaning to the one based on Backdoor set notion: in both cases some subset B of variables in a CNF formula is used to define the hardness of the formula w.r.t. this set. In contrast to the backdoor measure, the new measure does not demand the polynomial decidability of CNF formulas obtained when substituting assignments of variables from B to the original formula. To estimate this measure the paper suggests an adaptive (ε,δ)-approximation probabilistic algorithm. The problem of looking for the subset of variables which provides the minimal hardness value is reduced to optimization of a pseudo-Boolean black-box function. We apply evolutionary algorithms to this problem and demonstrate applicability of proposed notions and techniques to tests from several families of unsatisfiable CNF formulas.

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Alexander Semenov, Daniil Chivilikhin, Artem Pavlenko, Ilya Otpuschennikov, Vladimir Ulyantsev, and Alexey Ignatiev. Evaluating the Hardness of SAT Instances Using Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms. In 27th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2021). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 210, pp. 47:1-47:18, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2021)

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  author =	{Semenov, Alexander and Chivilikhin, Daniil and Pavlenko, Artem and Otpuschennikov, Ilya and Ulyantsev, Vladimir and Ignatiev, Alexey},
  title =	{{Evaluating the Hardness of SAT Instances Using Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms}},
  booktitle =	{27th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2021)},
  pages =	{47:1--47:18},
  series =	{Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)},
  ISBN =	{978-3-95977-211-2},
  ISSN =	{1868-8969},
  year =	{2021},
  volume =	{210},
  editor =	{Michel, Laurent D.},
  publisher =	{Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik},
  address =	{Dagstuhl, Germany},
  URL =		{https://drops.dagstuhl.de/entities/document/10.4230/LIPIcs.CP.2021.47},
  URN =		{urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-153381},
  doi =		{10.4230/LIPIcs.CP.2021.47},
  annote =	{Keywords: SAT solving, Boolean formula hardness, Backdoors, Evolutionary algorithms}
  • Refine by Author
  • 1 Chistikov, Dmitry
  • 1 Chivilikhin, Daniil
  • 1 Ignatiev, Alexey
  • 1 Mansutti, Alessio
  • 1 Otpuschennikov, Ilya
  • Show More...

  • Refine by Classification
  • 1 Computing methodologies → Symbolic and algebraic algorithms
  • 1 Hardware → Theorem proving and SAT solving
  • 1 Mathematics of computing → Combinatorial optimization
  • 1 Theory of computation → Automated reasoning
  • 1 Theory of computation → Constraint and logic programming
  • Show More...

  • Refine by Keyword
  • 1 Backdoors
  • 1 Boolean formula hardness
  • 1 Cube-and-Conquer
  • 1 Evolutionary algorithms
  • 1 MD5
  • Show More...

  • Refine by Type
  • 3 document

  • Refine by Publication Year
  • 2 2024
  • 1 2021

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