Rewriting Guarded Existential Rules into Small Datalog Programs

Authors Shqiponja Ahmetaj, Magdalena Ortiz, Mantas Simkus

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Shqiponja Ahmetaj
Magdalena Ortiz
Mantas Simkus

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Shqiponja Ahmetaj, Magdalena Ortiz, and Mantas Simkus. Rewriting Guarded Existential Rules into Small Datalog Programs. In 21st International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2018). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 98, pp. 4:1-4:24, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2018)


The goal of this paper is to understand the relative expressiveness of the query language in which queries are specified by a set of guarded (disjunctive) tuple-generating dependencies (TGDs) and an output (or 'answer') predicate. Our main result is to show that every such query can be translated into a polynomially-sized (disjunctive) Datalog program if the maximal number of variables in the (disjunctive) TGDs is bounded by a constant. To overcome the challenge that Datalog has no direct means to express the existential quantification present in TGDs, we define a two-player game that characterizes the satisfaction of the dependencies, and design a Datalog query that can decide the existence of a winning strategy for the game. For guarded disjunctive TGDs, we can obtain Datalog rules with disjunction in the heads. However, the use of disjunction is limited, and the resulting rules fall into a fragment that can be evaluated in deterministic single exponential time. We proceed quite differently for the case when the TGDs are not disjunctive and we show that we can obtain a plain Datalog query. Notably, unlike previous translations for related fragments, our translation requires only polynomial time if the maximal number of variables in the (disjunctive) TGDs is bounded by a constant.
  • Existential rules
  • Expressiveness
  • Descriptive Complexity
  • Query Rewriting


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