LIPIcs, Volume 328
ICDT 2025, March 25-28, 2025, Barcelona, Spain
Editors: Sudeepa Roy and Ahmet Kara
LIPIcs, Volume 327
STACS 2025, March 4-7, 2025, Jena, Germany
Editors: Olaf Beyersdorff, Michał Pilipczuk, Elaine Pimentel, and Nguyễn Kim Thắng
LIPIcs, Volume 326
CSL 2025, February 10-14, 2025, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Editors: Jörg Endrullis and Sylvain Schmitz
LIPIcs, Volume 325
ITCS 2025, January 7-10, 2025, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Editors: Raghu Meka
LIPIcs, Volume 324
OPODIS 2024, December 11-13, 2024, Lucca, Italy
Editors: Silvia Bonomi, Letterio Galletta, Etienne Rivière, and Valerio Schiavoni
LIPIcs, Volume 323
FSTTCS 2024, December 16-18, 2024, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Editors: Siddharth Barman and Sławomir Lasota
LIPIcs, Volume 322
ISAAC 2024, December 8-11, 2024, Sydney, Australia
Editors: Julián Mestre and Anthony Wirth
LIPIcs, Volume 321
IPEC 2024, September 4-6, 2024, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, United Kingdom
Editors: Édouard Bonnet and Paweł Rzążewski
LIPIcs, Volume 320
GD 2024, September 18-20, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Editors: Stefan Felsner and Karsten Klein
LIPIcs, Volume 319
DISC 2024, October 28 to November 1, 2024, Madrid, Spain
Editors: Dan Alistarh
LIPIcs - Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics is a series of high-quality conference proceedings across all fields in informatics established in cooperation with Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics.
Total cost(entire volume) = max(n,floor(P/20)) * APC (net).
The Scientific Advisory Board of Schloss Dagstuhl serves as a monitoring board for the Editorial Board.
In its initial configuration, the Editorial Board has 7 members, reflecting the setup of the two conferences that launched the LIPIcs series [1]: 6 belong to the main communities associated with these conferences, namely algorithms, automata, languages, combinatorics, logic and complexity. The 7-th member is the Scientific Director of Schloss Dagstuhl or his/her representative.
The Editorial Board elects its chairperson for a 2-year mandate, renewable twice. It is the chairperson’s responsibility to organize the Board’s deliberations in a timely fashion, and to record its decisions. An archive of the Editorial Board’s decisions is maintained by Schloss Dagstuhl.
Apart from the Scientific Director of Schloss Dagstuhl or his/her representative, the Editorial Board members have a 4-year mandate, renewable once. As an exception, three of the initial six members of the Editorial Board have a 6-year mandate, in order to ensure that the renewal of the Editorial Board is gradual. Former members may be nominated again, after a gap of at least 4 years.
New Editorial Board members must be selected when the mandate of current members terminates or when the Editorial Board needs to be expanded to include experts of branches of computer science not yet covered. In either case, new members are nominated and chosen by the current members of the Editorial Board, who will consult in the process Schloss Dagstuhl’s Scientific Advisory Board and relevant scientific associations. In the deliberation on the co-optation of new members of the Board, such considerations as nationality (or rather in which country one is professionally based) and gender shall also be taken into account, in order to avoid uniformity of any kind.
The Editorial Board functions as a whole and it is not its members’ mission to represent or defend a particular community. The Board’s deliberations are confidential and its decisions are reached by votes. The votes on selecting a new Board member or accepting a new conference in the LIPIcs series must be obtained with a 2/3 majority.
[1] FST&TCS (Foundations of Software Technology & Theoretical Computer Science) and STACS (Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science)
The LIPIcs series will publish only high-quality conference proceedings, and the selection of these conferences is entrusted to the Editorial Board. The LIPIcs series is meant for recurring conferences, but isolated conferences of exceptional value may also be considered. In making its selection decisions, the Board will pay particular attention to the following criteria:
If the steering committee of a conference series is interested in publishing their proceedings as LIPIcs, please apply to LIPIcs Editorial Office at Dagstuhl.
An application is assumed to cover a 5-year period and should provide information related to the above mentioned criteria of the LIPIcs Editorial Policy. In particular, an application must give sufficient background on the conference, including:
If the conference is part of a series, then the application should include those same elements of information on at least the three preceding editions of the conference, as well as links to the relevant websites and access to the proceedings of these past conferences.
The information concerning the application is passed on to the Editorial Board chair who consults the Editorial Board members and/or external experts, especially if the scope of the conference is not in the broad fields already represented in the series Editorial Board.
A positive decision for recurrent conferences is valid for (typically) five years. Afterwards a new application has to be made.
A (re-) application ideally contains the original application and a description of any changes with respect to the stated criteria, scope, nature of the proceedings, or organisation of the conference.
Total cost(entire volume) = max(n,floor(P/20)) * APC (net).
As a publicly funded institution, we have to recover the costs of our publishing activities so that there is no competitive advantage over commercial providers. For the cost recovery, we work with an article processing charge (APC), which currently is 60 EUR (net). This amount was set under the assumption that the average length of a paper does not substantially exceed 15 to 20 main text pages, i.e., number of pages after typesetting excluding title page and the bibliography.
Effective 1 January 2026, the APC will be increased from EUR 60 (net) to EUR 80 (net) due to the significant increase in operating costs (in particular wages and energy). You can find a detailed explanation of the increase in this document: increasing-apc-2026-information-letter.pdf
Given the above, we suggest 20 main text pages1 as a page limit, which could for instance be in the form of 15 pages for the main body of the paper plus up to 5 pages for appendices. Note that this is only a recommendation and it is up to the editors of the respective volume to decide on a policy regarding the page limit2.
1 'Main-text pages' are all contents except the title page with title, authors, affiliations, abstracts, ..... and the bibliography.
2 Please note that we expect a certain flexibility concerning any page limit (+/- 1 page) to avoid too much extra effort to harmonize LIPIcs-compliant formatting and page limit for both authors and final typesetting by the LIPIcs Office.
Please download the current version of the LIPIcs style along with an example file and detailed author instructions:
For older releases and an issue tracker, see our GitHub archive.
LIPIcs - Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics is a series of high-quality conference proceedings across all fields in informatics established in cooperation with Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics.
In order to do justice to the high scientific quality of the conferences that publish their proceedings in the LIPIcs series, which is ensured by the thorough review process of the respective events, we believe that LIPIcs proceedings must have an attractive and consistent layout matching the standard of the series. Moreover, the quality of the metadata, the typesetting and the layout must also meet the requirements of other external parties such as indexing services, DOI registry, funding agencies, among others. The provided guidelines serve as the baseline for the authors, editors, and the publisher to create documents that meet as many different requirements as possible.Please comply with the following instructions when preparing your article for a LIPIcs proceedings volume. (See Instructions for Authors for more details.)
, \subsection
, \subsubsection
, \paragraph
, \paragraph*
, and \subparagraph*
) for the bibliography.\hboxes
and any kind of warnings/errors with the referenced BibTeX entries.Please set the values of the metadata macros carefully since the information parsed from these macros will be passed to publication servers, catalogues and search engines. Avoid placing macros inside the metadata macros. The following metadata macros/environments are mandatory:
and, in case of long titles, \titlerunning
one for each author, even if two or more authors have the same affiliation.\authorrunning
(abbreviated first names) and
(concatenated full author names)\ccsdesc
(ACM 2012 subject classification)\keywords
(a comma-separated list of keywords).\relatedversion
(if there is a related version, typically the "full version"); please make sure to provide a persistent URL, e.g., at arXiv.\begin{abstract}...\end{abstract}
.Reproducibility is a key aspect of scientific research. Dagstuhl Publishing highly encourages that all relevant resources (e.g. research data, software, videos, ...) for research articles are disclosed and documented in a Supplementary Material Statement. This enhances reproducibility, allows the community to build on these resources, and helps readers verify or understand additional details. If resources cannot be published, authors should justify this.
The statement could be added to the article's metadata block using the macro \supplementdetails
for every supplementary resource. The publishing system supports authors in managing supplementary materials.
Generally speaking, please do not override the style defaults concerning spacing, font and color settings. To be more specific, a short checklist also used by Dagstuhl Publishing during the final typesetting is given below. In case of non-compliance with these rules, Dagstuhl Publishing will remove the corresponding parts of LaTeX code and replace it with the defaults. In serious cases, we may reject the LaTeX-source and expect the corresponding author to revise the relevant parts.
package is forbidden.)enumitem
and paralist
. (The enumerate package is preloaded, so you can use \begin{enumerate}[(a)]
or the like.)\noindent{\bf My Paragraph}
).\iffalse ... \fi
constructions. wrapfig
is not supported. natbib
package is not supported.) This is only a summary containing the most relevant details. Please read the complete Instructions for Authors for all details and don't hesitate to contact Dagstuhl Publishing ( in case of questions or comments.
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Please download the current version of the LIPIcs front matter style along with an example file:
In order to satisfy the standards of our series, please note that we expect an affiliation at least to contain a city and country (for locations in the United States also the state), so we usually don't support requests asking for removing this kind of information from an affiliation.
For organizations with multiple locations please choose the location where you have been most of the time physically when carrying out this work.
We hope that our completion of affiliations according to the above criteria facilitates the contacting of authors as well as the assignment of a work to individual locations, and - last but not least - serves the harmonization of affiliations across the entire volume.
At the beginning of the submission process, the submission system has only limited information about the actual authors of the article. But on each upload, the metadata of the paper (including authors) are updated. Before the publication, the authorized users are asked to confirm (or revise, if necessary) the metadata. In more detail:
macros in your file.\author
macros in your LaTeX file and do a re-upload. If the error persists, please make sure that the \author
macros are contained in the top level of your main LaTeX file (outside \if
conditionals) and contain plain data (i.e. preferably no self-defined macros).Dagstuhl Publishing uses BibTEX
to format references. Thereby the BibTEX style plainurl is used for BibTEX processing (\bibliographystyle{plainurl}
(preferred) or URL
package is not supported by the current styles of Dagstuhl Publishing.)
is forbidden.
bbl-file only
or an inline-bibliography
is not sufficient.
The metadata associated with a DOI may not be available in all services, especially in the context of Crossref. The reason for this is that we use DataCite as our DOI registry and not CrossRef. CrossRef is certainly the largest registry for DOIs, but there are a few others (see
However, our data can be retrieved in a number of ways. DataCite offers several search options and APIs that are similar to those of CrossRef, see for example
Alternatively, you can of course retrieve the complete set of metada directly from us ( or the basic data set from dblp (
Since the automatic extraction could fail or be faulty, the final version of metadata will be extracted by the Dagstuhl Publishing Team after the typesetting is done.
In any case we ask you to confirm/correct the metadata before the work is officially published!
may be used to denote a related version like a full version, extended version, or also a predecessor
usually published in a reliable repository like arXiv or HAL.
As all metadata should be self-contained, please add a persistent URL, e.g. \relatedversion{A full version of the paper is available at \url{...}.}
. This also simplifies the access for all readers. Additional to the URL, you might add a reference (\cite{...}
Metadata should be self-contained as they are not only part of the document / PDF but also extracted and stored in a machine-readable format along with the actual document.
Please note: As hosting on a (personal or university) webpage or in cloud storage is not really sufficient for durable / persistent file storage, we highly recommend to publish your document in a reliable repository like arXiv or HAL.
Please note that a subject classification contained in your LaTeX file may be considered invalid if we cannot literally match an entry from the 2012 ACM Computing Classification System in a \ccsdesc{...}
macro in your LaTeX file. (That can have many causes.)
To save you the trouble of a new upload, please find the "Search ACM Classifications"-input field in the upload form. There you can search for the corresponding valid classification. (By using the last part of the intended classification as a search term one usually ends up with a good pre-selection.)
Note that invalid classifications will automatically be removed from the LaTeX code during the final typesetting by Dagstuhl Publishing.
Total cost(entire volume) = max(n, floor(P/20)) * 60 EUR (net).
() "Main-text pages" are all contents except the title page with title, authors, affiliations, abstracts, ..... and the bibliography.
The editors check everything carefully and ask for minor changes, if necessary.
When approved, the volume will be officially published.
First note that there are no automatic actions triggered when the editor submission deadline has passed! You actually decide on when to hand over the volume to Dagstuhl Publishing. (However, if you miss the deadline, we cannot guarantee a timely publication.)
Your tasks here are:
As a publicly funded institution, we have to recover the costs of our publishing activities so that there is no competitive advantage over commercial providers. For the cost recovery we work with an article processing charge (APC), which currently is 60 EUR (net); for more details, see below (). This amount was set under the assumption that the average length of a paper does not substantially exceed 15 to 20 main text pages, i.e., number of pages after typesetting excluding title page and the bibliography.
Given the above, we suggest 20 main text pages as a page limit, which could for instance be in the form of 15 pages for the main body of paper plus up to 5 pages for appendices. Note that this is only a recommendation and it is up to the editors of the respective volume to decide on a policy regarding the page limit. Moreover, we expect a certain flexibility concerning any page limit (+/- 1 page) to avoid too much extra effort to harmonize style-compliant formatting and page limit for both authors and the Dagstuhl Editorial Office.
() When specifying a page limit please have in mind the following facts about our APC:
Total cost(entire volume) = max(n, floor(P/20)) * 60 EUR (net).
First note that the specified author submission deadline does not automatically trigger any actions (like closing the submission). However, it is the deadline communicated to the authors in E-mails generated by the system. Actually, you decide on when to close the submission manually.
The editor's tasks during paper submission are:
Dagstuhl Publishing usually needs between six and eight weeks from submission of the camera-ready versions to publication, depending on the seasonal workload. If a conference is unable to meet this time requirement, there is a middle way in the form of "preliminary proceedings" in addition to the classic option of "post-proceedings".
Preliminary proceedings will not be published on our publication server but will only be made temporarily accessible on a separate webpage. This page requires the user to input a CAPTCHA, thus creating a barrier to prevent webcrawlers like Google etc. from accessing and indexing the papers of the preliminary proceedings (it would be quite difficult to "repair" this afterwards). Furthermore, the PDFs are watermarked, indicating that the version is preliminary, and include a URL where the officially published version will eventually be available). The preliminary proceedings thus consist of an overview page with rudimentary metadata (title + authors) and the preliminary PDFs of the papers.
Camera-ready versions should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event in order for the preliminary proceedings to be ready in time. The official publication will then take place in the weeks following the event.
If you click on "Save and Finish Author Approval", we are notified about your request.
Then we check if the proposed changes can be implemented. (Do they comply with the standards of the series? Are there no consistency issues? Are there no technical limitations, e.g. charset problems, ...).
In case these checks are positive, we implement the changes both in the metadata (if necessary) AND in the LaTeX file.
In any case, even if we cannot make the requested changes, you will be informed by E-mail.
Please note that only minor corrections should be done at this stage. Here, "minor" also refers to the total number of changes. (We have already had inquiries with 50 change requests, most of them typos. Although each request is minor, the implementation is time-consuming in sum.) Requests that exceed our processing capacities and thus endanger the timely publication of the whole volume may be rejected.
As soon as some authorized user (usually you or your co-authors, if any) finishes the approval request and submits it to Dagstuhl Publishing (this happens at the end of Step 2), we are notified about your request.
Then we check if the proposed changes can be implemented. (Do they comply with the standards of the series? Are there no consistency issues? Are there no technical limitations, e.g. charset problems, ...).
In case these checks are positive, we implement the changes both in the metadata AND in the LaTeX file.
In any case, even if we cannot make the requested changes, you will be informed by E-mail.
This macro sets the page header of odd pages, which is an abbreviated version of the concatenated author string. Sample usage:
\authorrunning{J.\,Q. Public, A.\,E. Access, and E. Example}
as illustrated in the example\author
macrosDagstuhl Publishing uses BibTEX
to format references. Thereby the BibTEX style plainurl is used for BibTEX processing (\bibliographystyle{plainurl}
(preferred) or URL
package is not supported by the current styles of Dagstuhl Publishing.)
is forbidden.
bbl-file only
or an inline-bibliography
is not sufficient.
is for classification information following the ACM 2012 Computing Classification System. Sample usage:
\ccsdesc{Theory of computation~Proof complexity} \ccsdesc{Theory of computation~Quantum complexity theory}
Please feel free to use our ACM 2012 Subject Finder to search for appropriate classifications and to generate the necessary LaTeX code.
Using this macro, you specify the copyright holder (appearing at the bottom of the title page) which is usually the team of authors. Sample usage:
\Copyright{John Q. Public, Adam E. Access, and Eve Example}
macrosThis macro should be used to capture general (i.e. not author-specific) funding information.
If a funding can be clearly assigned to an author, please use the last part of the \author
macro instead.
Sample usage:
\keywords{Theory of Everything, indefinite Metrics, abstract Nonsense}
Please note:
may be used to denote a related version like a full version, extended version, or also a predecessor
usually published in a reliable repository like arXiv or HAL. Sample usage:
\relatedversiondetails[cite={bibtex-reference}]{Full Version}{}
As all metadata should be self-contained, please add a persistent URL to the cited version (as illustrated above). This also simplifies the access for all readers.
may be used to denote supplements like related research data, source
code, posters, slides, ... hosted on a repository like Zenodo, Figshare, ..., Software Heritage.
Sample usage:
\supplementdetails[subcategory={Source Code}, swhid={...}]{Software}{}
Please note:
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