

International Conference on Database Theory

ICDT in dblp Conference Website



LIPIcs, Volume 328

28th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2025)

ICDT 2025, March 25-28, 2025, Barcelona, Spain

Editors: Sudeepa Roy and Ahmet Kara


LIPIcs, Volume 290

27th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2024)

ICDT 2024, March 25-28, 2024, Paestum, Italy

Editors: Graham Cormode and Michael Shekelyan


LIPIcs, Volume 255

26th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2023)

ICDT 2023, March 28-31, 2023, Ioannina, Greece

Editors: Floris Geerts and Brecht Vandevoort


LIPIcs, Volume 220

25th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2022)

ICDT 2022, March 29 to April 1, 2022, Edinburgh, UK (Virtual Conference)

Editors: Dan Olteanu and Nils Vortmeier


LIPIcs, Volume 186

24th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2021)

ICDT 2021, March 23-26, 2021, Nicosia, Cyprus

Editors: Ke Yi and Zhewei Wei


LIPIcs, Volume 155

23rd International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2020)

ICDT 2020, March 30 to April 2, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark

Editors: Carsten Lutz and Jean Christoph Jung


LIPIcs, Volume 127

22nd International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2019)

ICDT 2019, March 26-28, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

Editors: Pablo Barcelo and Marco Calautti


LIPIcs, Volume 98

21st International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2018)

ICDT 2018, March 26-29, 2018, Vienna, Austria

Editors: Benny Kimelfeld and Yael Amsterdamer


LIPIcs, Volume 68

20th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2017)

ICDT 2017, March 21-24, 2017, Venice, Italy

Editors: Michael Benedikt and Giorgio Orsi


LIPIcs, Volume 48

19th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2016)

ICDT 2016, March 15-18, 2016, Bordeaux, France

Editors: Wim Martens and Thomas Zeume


LIPIcs, Volume 31

18th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2015)

ICDT 2015, March 23-27, 2015, Brussels, Belgium

Editors: Marcelo Arenas and Martín Ugarte

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