Visualization and Decision Making Design Under Uncertainty (Dagstuhl Seminar 22331)

Authors Nadia Boukhelifa, Christopher R. Johnson, Kristi Potter and all authors of the abstracts in this report

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Author Details

Nadia Boukhelifa
  • INRAE - Palaiseau, FR
Christopher R. Johnson
  • University of Utah - Salt Lake City, US
Kristi Potter
  • NREL - Golden, US
and all authors of the abstracts in this report

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Nadia Boukhelifa, Christopher R. Johnson, and Kristi Potter. Visualization and Decision Making Design Under Uncertainty (Dagstuhl Seminar 22331). In Dagstuhl Reports, Volume 12, Issue 8, pp. 1-19, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2023)


This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 22331 "Visualization and Decision Making Design Under Uncertainty". The seminar brought together 33 researchers and practitioners from different domains concerned with visualization and decision making under uncertainty including visualization, visual analytics, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, climate research, geography and geology. The programme was organized in two parts: In the first part which lasted two days, participants gave short talks where they discussed current practices and the uncertainty visualization challenges they encountered in their own research. At the end of day two, participants brainstormed collectively around the main uncertainty visualization research challenges across domains and applications. In the second part, participants voted for the following three main challenges they wished to discuss for the remainder of the seminar (one and a half days): applications, human-centered uncertainty visualization, a design process for uncertainty visualization. Thus three break-out groups were formed to discuss these challenges. Abstracts for the individual talks and the break-out group activities are included in this report.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Human-centered computing → Visualization
  • Decision making
  • Uncertainty visualization
  • Visual Analytics
  • Visualization


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