The Expected Number of Maximal Points of the Convolution of Two 2-D Distributions

Authors Josep Diaz, Mordecai Golin

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Josep Diaz
  • Department of CS, UPC, Barcelona, Spain
Mordecai Golin
  • CSE Department, Hong Kong UST

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Josep Diaz and Mordecai Golin. The Expected Number of Maximal Points of the Convolution of Two 2-D Distributions. In Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques (APPROX/RANDOM 2019). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 145, pp. 35:1-35:14, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2019)


The Maximal points in a set S are those that are not dominated by any other point in S. Such points arise in multiple application settings and are called by a variety of different names, e.g., maxima, Pareto optimums, skylines. Their ubiquity has inspired a large literature on the expected number of maxima in a set S of n points chosen IID from some distribution. Most such results assume that the underlying distribution is uniform over some spatial region and strongly use this uniformity in their analysis.
This research was initially motivated by the question of how this expected number changes if the input distribution is perturbed by random noise. More specifically, let B_p denote the uniform distribution from the 2-dimensional unit ball in the metric L_p. Let delta B_q denote the 2-dimensional L_q-ball, of radius delta and B_p + delta B_q be the convolution of the two distributions, i.e., a point v in B_p is reported with an error chosen from delta B_q. The question is how the expected number of maxima change as a function of delta. Although the original motivation is for small delta, the problem is well defined for any delta and our analysis treats the general case. 
More specifically, we study, as a function of n,delta, the expected number of maximal points when the n points in S are chosen IID from distributions of the type B_p + delta B_q where p,q in {1,2,infty} for delta > 0 and also of the type B_infty + delta B_q where q in [1,infty) for delta > 0.
For fixed p,q we show that this function changes "smoothly" as a function of delta but that this smooth behavior sometimes transitions unexpectedly between different growth behaviors.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Randomness, geometry and discrete structures
  • maximal points
  • probabilistic geometry
  • perturbations
  • Minkowski sum


  • Access Statistics
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