Linear Sketching over F_2

Authors Sampath Kannan, Elchanan Mossel, Swagato Sanyal, Grigory Yaroslavtsev

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Author Details

Sampath Kannan
  • University of Pennsylvania
Elchanan Mossel
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Swagato Sanyal
  • Division of Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Grigory Yaroslavtsev
  • Indiana University, Bloomington

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Sampath Kannan, Elchanan Mossel, Swagato Sanyal, and Grigory Yaroslavtsev. Linear Sketching over F_2. In 33rd Computational Complexity Conference (CCC 2018). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 102, pp. 8:1-8:37, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2018)


We initiate a systematic study of linear sketching over F_2. For a given Boolean function treated as f : F_2^n -> F_2 a randomized F_2-sketch is a distribution M over d x n matrices with elements over F_2 such that Mx suffices for computing f(x) with high probability. Such sketches for d << n can be used to design small-space distributed and streaming algorithms. Motivated by these applications we study a connection between F_2-sketching and a two-player one-way communication game for the corresponding XOR-function. We conjecture that F_2-sketching is optimal for this communication game. Our results confirm this conjecture for multiple important classes of functions: 1) low-degree F_2-polynomials, 2) functions with sparse Fourier spectrum, 3) most symmetric functions, 4) recursive majority function. These results rely on a new structural theorem that shows that F_2-sketching is optimal (up to constant factors) for uniformly distributed inputs. Furthermore, we show that (non-uniform) streaming algorithms that have to process random updates over F_2 can be constructed as F_2-sketches for the uniform distribution. In contrast with the previous work of Li, Nguyen and Woodruff (STOC'14) who show an analogous result for linear sketches over integers in the adversarial setting our result does not require the stream length to be triply exponential in n and holds for streams of length O(n) constructed through uniformly random updates.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Communication complexity
  • Linear sketch
  • Streaming algorithms
  • XOR-functions
  • Communication complexity


  • Access Statistics
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