Local Linearizability for Concurrent Container-Type Data Structures

Authors Andreas Haas, Thomas A. Henzinger, Andreas Holzer, Christoph M. Kirsch, Michael Lippautz, Hannes Payer, Ali Sezgin, Ana Sokolova, Helmut Veith

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Author Details

Andreas Haas
Thomas A. Henzinger
Andreas Holzer
Christoph M. Kirsch
Michael Lippautz
Hannes Payer
Ali Sezgin
Ana Sokolova
Helmut Veith

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Andreas Haas, Thomas A. Henzinger, Andreas Holzer, Christoph M. Kirsch, Michael Lippautz, Hannes Payer, Ali Sezgin, Ana Sokolova, and Helmut Veith. Local Linearizability for Concurrent Container-Type Data Structures. In 27th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2016). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 59, pp. 6:1-6:15, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2016) https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2016.6


The semantics of concurrent data structures is usually given by a sequential specification and a consistency condition. Linearizability is the most popular consistency condition due to its simplicity and general applicability. Nevertheless, for applications that do not require all guarantees offered by linearizability, recent research has focused on improving performance and scalability of concurrent data structures by relaxing their semantics. 

In this paper, we present local linearizability, a relaxed consistency
condition that is applicable to container-type concurrent data 
structures like pools, queues, and stacks. While linearizability requires that the effect of each operation is observed by all threads at the same time, local linearizability only requires that for each thread T, the effects of its local insertion operations and the effects of those removal operations that remove values inserted by T are observed by all threads at the same time. We investigate theoretical and practical properties of local linearizability and its relationship to many existing consistency conditions. We present a generic implementation method for locally linearizable data structures that uses existing linearizable data structures as building blocks. Our implementations show performance and scalability improvements over the original building blocks and outperform the fastest existing container-type implementations.

Subject Classification

  • (concurrent) data structures
  • relaxed semantics
  • linearizability


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