Pure Methods for roDOT

Authors Vlastimil Dort , Yufeng Li, Ondřej Lhoták , Pavel Parízek

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Author Details

Vlastimil Dort
  • Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Yufeng Li
  • University of Cambridge, UK
Ondřej Lhoták
  • University of Waterloo, Canada
Pavel Parízek
  • Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

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Vlastimil Dort, Yufeng Li, Ondřej Lhoták, and Pavel Parízek. Pure Methods for roDOT. In 38th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 313, pp. 13:1-13:29, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)


Object-oriented programming languages typically allow mutation of objects, but pure methods are common too. There is great interest in recognizing which methods are pure, because it eases analysis of program behavior and allows modifying the program without changing its behavior. The roDOT calculus is a formal calculus extending DOT with reference mutability. In this paper, we explore purity conditions in roDOT and pose a SEF guarantee, by which the type system guarantees that methods of certain types are side-effect free. We use the idea from ReIm to detect pure methods by argument types. Applying this idea to roDOT required just a few changes to the type system, but necessitated re-working a significant part of the soundness proof. In addition, we state a transformation guarantee, which states that in a roDOT program, calls to SEF methods can be safely reordered without changing the outcome of the program. We proved type soundness of the updated roDOT calculus, using multiple layers of typing judgments. We proved the SEF guarantee by applying the Immutability guarantee, and the transformation guarantee by applying the SEF guarantee within a framework for reasoning about safe transformations of roDOT programs. All proofs are mechanized in Coq.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Software and its engineering → Formal language definitions
  • Software and its engineering → Object oriented languages
  • type systems
  • DOT calculus
  • pure methods


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