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- 20 pages
The constraint satisfaction problem, parameterized by a relational structure, provides a general framework for expressing computational decision problems. Already the restriction to the class of all finite structures forms an interesting microcosm on its own, but to express decision problems in temporal reasoning one has to take a step beyond the finite-domain realm. An important class of templates used in this context are temporal structures, i.e., structures over ℚ whose relations are first-order definable using the usual countable dense linear order without endpoints. In the standard setting, which allows only existential quantification over input variables, the complexity of finite and temporal constraints has been fully classified. In the quantified setting, i.e., when one also allows universal quantifiers, there is only a handful of partial classification results and many concrete cases of unknown complexity. This paper presents a significant progress towards understanding the complexity of the quantified constraint satisfaction problem for temporal structures. We provide a complexity dichotomy for quantified constraints over the Ord-Horn fragment, which played an important role in understanding the complexity of constraints both over temporal structures and in Allen’s interval algebra. We show that all problems under consideration are in P or coNP-hard. In particular, we determine the complexity of the quantified constraint satisfaction problem for (ℚ;x = y⇒ x ≥ z), hereby settling a question open for more than ten years.
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