Computationally Data-Independent Memory Hard Functions

Authors Mohammad Hassan Ameri , Jeremiah Blocki , Samson Zhou

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Mohammad Hassan Ameri
  • Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Jeremiah Blocki
  • Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Samson Zhou
  • School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Part of this work was done while Samson Zhou was a postdoctoral fellow at Indiana University. We would like to thank anonymous ITCS 2020 reviewers for thoughtful comments which helped us to improve the paper.

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Mohammad Hassan Ameri, Jeremiah Blocki, and Samson Zhou. Computationally Data-Independent Memory Hard Functions. In 11th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2020). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 151, pp. 36:1-36:28, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2020)


Memory hard functions (MHFs) are an important cryptographic primitive that are used to design egalitarian proofs of work and in the construction of moderately expensive key-derivation functions resistant to brute-force attacks. Broadly speaking, MHFs can be divided into two categories: data-dependent memory hard functions (dMHFs) and data-independent memory hard functions (iMHFs). iMHFs are resistant to certain side-channel attacks as the memory access pattern induced by the honest evaluation algorithm is independent of the potentially sensitive input e.g., password. While dMHFs are potentially vulnerable to side-channel attacks (the induced memory access pattern might leak useful information to a brute-force attacker), they can achieve higher cumulative memory complexity (CMC) in comparison than an iMHF. In particular, any iMHF that can be evaluated in N steps on a sequential machine has CMC at most ?((N^2 log log N)/log N). By contrast, the dMHF scrypt achieves maximal CMC Ω(N^2) - though the CMC of scrypt would be reduced to just ?(N) after a side-channel attack. 
In this paper, we introduce the notion of computationally data-independent memory hard functions (ciMHFs). Intuitively, we require that memory access pattern induced by the (randomized) ciMHF evaluation algorithm appears to be independent from the standpoint of a computationally bounded eavesdropping attacker - even if the attacker selects the initial input. We then ask whether it is possible to circumvent known upper bound for iMHFs and build a ciMHF with CMC Ω(N^2). Surprisingly, we answer the question in the affirmative when the ciMHF evaluation algorithm is executed on a two-tiered memory architecture (RAM/Cache). 
We introduce the notion of a k-restricted dynamic graph to quantify the continuum between unrestricted dMHFs (k=n) and iMHFs (k=1). For any ε > 0 we show how to construct a k-restricted dynamic graph with k=Ω(N^(1-ε)) that provably achieves maximum cumulative pebbling cost Ω(N^2). We can use k-restricted dynamic graphs to build a ciMHF provided that cache is large enough to hold k hash outputs and the dynamic graph satisfies a certain property that we call "amenable to shuffling". In particular, we prove that the induced memory access pattern is indistinguishable to a polynomial time attacker who can monitor the locations of read/write requests to RAM, but not cache. We also show that when k=o(N^(1/log log N)) , then any k-restricted graph with constant indegree has cumulative pebbling cost o(N^2). Our results almost completely characterize the spectrum of k-restricted dynamic graphs.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Security and privacy → Hash functions and message authentication codes
  • Computationally Data-Independent Memory Hard Function
  • Cumulative Memory Complexity
  • Dynamic Pebbling Game


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