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- 23 pages
We provide a simple (1-O(1/(√{k)}))-selectable Online Contention Resolution Scheme for k-uniform matroids against a fixed-order adversary. If A_i and G_i denote the set of selected elements and the set of realized active elements among the first i (respectively), our algorithm selects with probability 1-1/(√{k)} any active element i such that |A_{i-1}| + 1 ≤ (1-1/(√{k)})⋅ 𝔼[|G_i|]+√k. This implies a (1-O(1/(√{k)})) prophet inequality against fixed-order adversaries for k-uniform matroids that is considerably simpler than previous algorithms [Alaei, 2014; Azar et al., 2014; Jiang et al., 2022]. We also prove that no OCRS can be (1-Ω(√{(log k)/k}))-selectable for k-uniform matroids against an almighty adversary. This guarantee is matched by the (known) simple greedy algorithm that selects every active element with probability 1-Θ(√{(log k)/k}) [Hajiaghayi et al., 2007].
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