Faster Algorithms for the Geometric Transportation Problem

Authors Pankaj K. Agarwal, Kyle Fox, Debmalya Panigrahi, Kasturi R. Varadarajan, Allen Xiao

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Pankaj K. Agarwal
Kyle Fox
Debmalya Panigrahi
Kasturi R. Varadarajan
Allen Xiao

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Pankaj K. Agarwal, Kyle Fox, Debmalya Panigrahi, Kasturi R. Varadarajan, and Allen Xiao. Faster Algorithms for the Geometric Transportation Problem. In 33rd International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2017). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 77, pp. 7:1-7:16, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2017)


Let R, B be a set of n points in R^d, for constant d, where the points of R have integer supplies, points of B have integer demands, and the sum of supply is equal to the sum of demand. Let d(.,.) be a suitable distance function such as the L_p distance. The transportation problem asks to find a map tau : R x B --> N such that sum_{b in B}tau(r,b) = supply(r), sum_{r in R}tau(r,b) = demand(b), and sum_{r in R, b in B} tau(r,b) d(r,b) is minimized. We present three new results for the transportation problem when d(.,.) is any L_p metric: * For any constant epsilon > 0, an O(n^{1+epsilon}) expected time randomized algorithm that returns a transportation map with expected cost O(log^2(1/epsilon)) times the optimal cost. * For any epsilon > 0, a (1+epsilon)-approximation in O(n^{3/2}epsilon^{-d}polylog(U)polylog(n)) time, where U is the maximum supply or demand of any point. * An exact strongly polynomial O(n^2 polylog n) time algorithm, for d = 2.
  • transportation map
  • earth mover's distance
  • shape matching
  • approximation algorithms


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