Timed-Automata-Based Verification of MITL over Signals

Authors Thomas Brihaye, Gilles Geeraerts, Hsi-Ming Ho, Benjamin Monmege

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Thomas Brihaye
Gilles Geeraerts
Hsi-Ming Ho
Benjamin Monmege

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Thomas Brihaye, Gilles Geeraerts, Hsi-Ming Ho, and Benjamin Monmege. Timed-Automata-Based Verification of MITL over Signals. In 24th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2017). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 90, pp. 7:1-7:19, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2017)


It has been argued that the most suitable semantic model for real-time formalisms is the non-negative real line (signals), i.e. the continuous semantics, which naturally captures the continuous evolution of system states. Existing tools like UPPAAL are, however, based on omega-sequences with timestamps (timed words), i.e. the pointwise semantics. Furthermore, the support for logic formalisms is very limited in these tools. In this article, we amend these issues by a compositional translation from Metric Temporal Interval Logic (MITL) to signal automata. Combined with an emptiness-preserving encoding of signal automata into timed automata, we obtain a practical automata-based approach to MITL model-checking over signals. We implement the translation in our tool MightyL and report on case studies using LTSmin as the back-end.
  • real-time temporal logic
  • timed automata
  • real-time systems


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