The W-SEPT Project: Towards Semantic-Aware WCET Estimation

Authors Claire Maiza, Pascal Raymond, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, Armelle Bonenfant, Fabienne Carrier, Hugues Cassé, Philippe Cuenot, Denis Claraz, Nicolas Halbwachs, Erwan Jahier, Hanbing Li, Marianne de Michiel, Vincent Mussot, Isabelle Puaut, Christine Rochange, Erven Rohou, Jordy Ruiz, Pascal Sotin, Wei-Tsun Sun

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Author Details

Claire Maiza
Pascal Raymond
Catherine Parent-Vigouroux
Armelle Bonenfant
Fabienne Carrier
Hugues Cassé
Philippe Cuenot
Denis Claraz
Nicolas Halbwachs
Erwan Jahier
Hanbing Li
Marianne de Michiel
Vincent Mussot
Isabelle Puaut
Christine Rochange
Erven Rohou
Jordy Ruiz
Pascal Sotin
Wei-Tsun Sun

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Claire Maiza, Pascal Raymond, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, Armelle Bonenfant, Fabienne Carrier, Hugues Cassé, Philippe Cuenot, Denis Claraz, Nicolas Halbwachs, Erwan Jahier, Hanbing Li, Marianne de Michiel, Vincent Mussot, Isabelle Puaut, Christine Rochange, Erven Rohou, Jordy Ruiz, Pascal Sotin, and Wei-Tsun Sun. The W-SEPT Project: Towards Semantic-Aware WCET Estimation. In 17th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2017). Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), Volume 57, pp. 9:1-9:13, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2017)


Critical embedded systems are generally composed of repetitive tasks that must meet hard timing constraints, such as termination deadlines. Providing an upper bound of the worst-case execution time (WCET) of such tasks at design time is necessary to guarantee the correctness of the system. In static WCET analysis, a main source of over-approximation comes from the complexity of the modern hardware platforms: their timing behavior tends to become more unpredictable because of features like caches, pipeline, branch prediction, etc. Another source of over-approximation comes from the software itself: WCET analysis may consider potential worst-cases executions that are actually infeasible, because of the semantics of the program or because they correspond to unrealistic inputs. The W-SEPT project, for "WCET, Semantics, Precision and Traceability", has been carried out to study and exploit the influence of program semantics on the WCET estimation. This paper presents the results of this project : a semantic-aware WCET estimation workflow for high-level designed systems.

Subject Classification

  • Worst-case execution time analysis
  • Static analysis
  • Program analysis


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