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- 16 pages
We consider minimum time multicasting problems in directed and undirected graphs: given a root node and a subset of t terminal nodes, multicasting seeks to find the minimum number of rounds within which all terminals can be informed with a message originating at the root. In each round, the telephone model we study allows the information to move via a matching from the informed nodes to the uninformed nodes. Since minimum time multicasting in digraphs is poorly understood compared to the undirected variant, we study an intermediate problem in undirected graphs that specifies a target k < t, and requires the only k of the terminals be informed in the minimum number of rounds. For this problem, we improve implications of prior results and obtain an Õ(t^{1/3}) multiplicative approximation. For the directed version, we obtain an additive Õ(k^{1/2}) approximation algorithm (with a poly-logarithmic multiplicative factor). Our algorithms are based on reductions to the related problems of finding k-trees of minimum poise (sum of maximum degree and diameter) and applying a combination of greedy network decomposition techniques and set covering under partition matroid constraints.
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