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- 15 pages
We study a classical version of PCF from a semantical point of view. We define a general notion of model based on categorical models of Linear Logic, in the spirit of earlier work by Girard, Regnier and Laurent. We give a concrete example based on the relational model of Linear Logic, that we present as a non-idempotents intersection type system, and we prove an Adequacy Theorem using ideas introduced by Krivine. Following Danos and Krivine, we also consider an extension of this language with a MIX construction introducing a form of must non-determinism; in this language, a program of type integer can have more than one value (or no value at all, raising an error). We propose a refinement of the relational model of classical PCF in which programs of type integer are single valued; this model rejects the MIX syntactical constructs (and the MIX rule of Linear Logic).
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