Local Conflict Coloring Revisited: Linial for Lists

Authors Yannic Maus, Tigran Tonoyan

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Yannic Maus
  • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Tigran Tonoyan
  • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

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Yannic Maus and Tigran Tonoyan. Local Conflict Coloring Revisited: Linial for Lists. In 34th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2020). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 179, pp. 16:1-16:18, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2020)


Linial’s famous color reduction algorithm reduces a given m-coloring of a graph with maximum degree Δ to a O(Δ²log m)-coloring, in a single round in the LOCAL model. We show a similar result when nodes are restricted to choose their color from a list of allowed colors: given an m-coloring in a directed graph of maximum outdegree β, if every node has a list of size Ω(β² (log β+log log m + log log |𝒞|)) from a color space 𝒞 then they can select a color in two rounds in the LOCAL model. Moreover, the communication of a node essentially consists of sending its list to the neighbors. This is obtained as part of a framework that also contains Linial’s color reduction (with an alternative proof) as a special case. Our result also leads to a defective list coloring algorithm. As a corollary, we improve the state-of-the-art truly local (deg+1)-list coloring algorithm from Barenboim et al. [PODC'18] by slightly reducing the runtime to O(√{ΔlogΔ})+log^* n and significantly reducing the message size (from huge to roughly Δ). Our techniques are inspired by the local conflict coloring framework of Fraigniaud et al. [FOCS'16].

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Distributed algorithms
  • distributed graph coloring
  • list coloring
  • low intersecting set families


  • Access Statistics
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