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- 22 pages
This paper studies the power of the "abstract MAC layer" model in a single-hop asynchronous network. The model captures primitive properties of modern wireless MAC protocols. In this model, Newport [PODC '14] proves that it is impossible to achieve deterministic consensus when nodes may crash. Subsequently, Newport and Robinson [DISC '18] present randomized consensus algorithms that terminate with O(n³ log n) expected broadcasts in a system of n nodes. We are not aware of any results on other fault-tolerant distributed tasks in this model. We first study the computability aspect of the abstract MAC layer. We present a wait-free algorithm that implements an atomic register. Furthermore, we show that in general, k-set consensus is impossible. Second, we aim to minimize storage complexity. Existing algorithms require Ω(n log n) bits. We propose two wait-free approximate consensus and two wait-free randomized binary consensus algorithms that only need constant storage complexity (except for the phase index). One randomized algorithm terminates with O(n log n) expected broadcasts. All our algorithms are anonymous, meaning that at the algorithm level, nodes do not need to have a unique identifier.
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