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The talk will consider aspects of the following setup: Assume for each (key) x from a set π° (the universe) a vector a_x = (a_{x,0},β¦ ,a_{x,{m-1}}) has been chosen. Given a list Z = (z_i)_{i β [m]} of vectors in {0,1}^r we obtain a mapping Ο_Z: π° β {0,1}^r, x β¦ β¨a_x,Zβ© := β¨_{i β [m]} a_{x,i} β z_i, where β¨ is bitwise XOR. The simplest way for creating a data structure for calculating Ο_Z is to store Z in an array Z[0..m-1] and answer a query for x by returning β¨ a_x,Zβ©. The length m of the array should be (1+Ξ΅)n for some small Ξ΅, and calculating this inner product should be fast. In the focus of the talk is the case where for all or for most of the sets S β π° of a certain size n the vectors a_x, x β S, are linearly independent. Choosing Z at random will lead to hash families of various degrees of independence. We will be mostly interested in the case where a_x, x β π° are chosen independently at random from {0,1}^m, according to some distribution π. We wish to construct (static) retrieval data structures, which means that S β π° and some mapping f: S β {0,1}^r are given, and the task is to find Z such that the restriction of Ο_Z to S is f. For creating such a data structure it is necessary to solve the linear system (a_x)_{x β S} β Z = (f(x))_{x β S} for Z. Two problems are central: Under what conditions on m and π can we expect the vectors a_x, x β S to be linearly independent, and how can we arrange things so that in this case the system can be solved fast, in particular in time close to linear (in n, assuming a reasonable machine model)? Solutions to these problems, some classical and others that have emerged only in recent years, will be discussed.
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