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- 14 pages
Petersen’s theorem, one of the earliest results in graph theory, states that every bridgeless cubic multigraph contains a perfect matching. While the original proof was neither constructive nor algorithmic, Biedl, Bose, Demaine, and Lubiw [J. Algorithms 38(1)] showed how to implement a later constructive proof by Frink in 𝒪(nlog⁴n) time using a fully dynamic 2-edge-connectivity structure. Then, Diks and Stańczyk [SOFSEM 2010] described a faster approach that only needs a fully dynamic connectivity structure and works in 𝒪(nlog²n) time. Both algorithms, while reasonable simple, utilize non-trivial (2-edge-)connectivity structures. We show that this is not necessary, and in fact a structure for maintaining a dynamic tree, e.g. link-cut trees, suffices to obtain a simple 𝒪(nlog n) time algorithm.
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