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- 19 pages
Template games [P.-A. Melliès, 2019] unify various approaches to game semantics, by exhibiting them as instances of a double-categorical variant of the slice construction. However, in the particular case of simple games [R. Harmer et al., 2007; C. Jacq and P.-A. Melliès, 2018], template games do not quite yield the standard (bi)category. We refine the construction using factorisation systems, obtaining as an instance a slight generalisation of simple games and strategies. This proves that template games have the descriptive power to capture combinatorial constraints defining well-known classes of games. Another instance is Day’s convolution monoidal structure on the category of presheaves over a strict monoidal category [B. Day, 1970], which answers a question raised in [C. Eberhart, 2018].
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