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- 19 pages
We study regular separators of vector addition systems (VASS, for short) with coverability semantics. A regular language R is a regular separator of languages K and L if K ⊆ R and L ∩ R = ∅. It was shown by Czerwiński, Lasota, Meyer, Muskalla, Kumar, and Saivasan (CONCUR 2018) that it is decidable whether, for two given VASS, there exists a regular separator. In fact, they show that a regular separator exists if and only if the two VASS languages are disjoint. However, they provide a triply exponential upper bound and a doubly exponential lower bound for the size of such separators and leave open which bound is tight. We show that if two VASS have disjoint languages, then there exists a regular separator with at most doubly exponential size. Moreover, we provide tight size bounds for separators in the case of fixed dimensions and unary/binary encodings of updates and NFA/DFA separators. In particular, we settle the aforementioned question. The key ingredient in the upper bound is a structural analysis of separating automata based on the concept of basic separators, which was recently introduced by Czerwiński and the second author. This allows us to determinize (and thus complement) without the powerset construction and avoid one exponential blowup.
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