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- 20 pages
Given a massive data graph G = (V, E) and a small pattern graph Q, the goal of subgraph enumeration is to list all the subgraphs of G isomorphic to Q. In the external memory (EM) model, it is well-known that every indivisible algorithm must perform Ω({|E|^ρ}/{M^{ρ-1} B}) I/Os in the worst case, where M represents the number of words in (internal) memory, B denotes the number of words in a disk block, and ρ is the fractional edge covering number of Q. It has been a longstanding open problem to design an algorithm to match this lower bound. The state of the art is an algorithm in ICDT'23 that achieves an I/O complexity of O({|E|^ρ}/{M^{ρ-1} B} log_{M/B} |E|/B) with high probability. In this paper, we remove the log_{M/B} |E|/B factor, thereby settling the open problem when randomization is permitted.
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