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- 19 pages
Cluster Editing is the problem of finding the minimum number of edge-modifications that transform a given graph G into a cluster graph G', that is, each connected component of G' is a clique. Similarly, in the Cluster Deletion problem, we further restrict the sought cluster graph G' to contain only edges that are also present in G. In this work, we consider the parameterized complexity of a local search variant for both problems: LS Cluster Deletion and LS Cluster Editing. Herein, the input also comprises an integer k and a partition 𝒞 of the vertex set of G that describes an initial cluster graph G^*, and we are to decide whether the "k-move-neighborhood" of G^* contains a cluster graph G' that is "better" (uses less modifications) than G^*. Roughly speaking, two cluster graphs G₁ and G₂ are k-move-neighbors if G₁ can be obtained from G₂ by moving at most k vertices to different connected components. We consider parameterizations by k + 𝓁 for some natural parameters 𝓁, such as the number of clusters in 𝒞, the size of a largest cluster in 𝒞, or the cluster-vertex-deletion number (cvd) of G. Our main lower-bound results are that LS Cluster Editing is W[1]-hard when parameterized by k even if 𝒞 has size two and that both LS Cluster Deletion and LS Cluster Editing are W[1]-hard when parameterized by k + 𝓁, where 𝓁 is the size of the largest cluster of 𝒞. On the positive side, we show that both problems admit an algorithm that runs in k^{𝒪(k)}⋅ cvd^{3k} ⋅ n^{𝒪(1)} time and either finds a better cluster graph or correctly outputs that there is no better cluster graph in the k-move-neighborhood of the initial cluster graph. As an intermediate result, we also obtain an algorithm that solves Cluster Deletion in cvd^{cvd} ⋅ n^{𝒪(1)} time.
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