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- 14 pages
This article is a report by the challenge organizers on the 8th Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments Challenge (PACE 2023). As was common in previous iterations of the competition, this year’s iteration implemented an exact and heuristic track for a parameterized problem that has gained attention in the theory community. This year, the problem was to compute the twinwidth of a graph, a recently introduced width parameter that measures the similarity of a graph to a cograph. In the exact track, the competition participants were asked to develop an exact algorithm that can solve as many instances as possible from a benchmark set of 100 instances - with a time limit of 30 minutes per instance. The same task must be accomplished within 5 minutes in the heuristic track. However, the result in this track is not required to be optimal. As in previous iterations, the organizers handed out awards to the best solutions in both tracks and to the best student submissions. New this year is a dedicated theory award that appreciates new theoretical insights found by the participants during the development of their tools.
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