Tensor Reconstruction Beyond Constant Rank

Authors Shir Peleg , Amir Shpilka , Ben Lee Volk

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Shir Peleg
  • Blavatnik School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Amir Shpilka
  • Blavatnik School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Ben Lee Volk
  • Efi Arazi School of Computer Science, Reichman University, Herlizya, Israel

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Shir Peleg, Amir Shpilka, and Ben Lee Volk. Tensor Reconstruction Beyond Constant Rank. In 15th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 287, pp. 87:1-87:20, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024) https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.ITCS.2024.87


We give reconstruction algorithms for subclasses of depth-3 arithmetic circuits. In particular, we obtain the first efficient algorithm for finding tensor rank, and an optimal tensor decomposition as a sum of rank-one tensors, when given black-box access to a tensor of super-constant rank. Specifically, we obtain the following results:  
1) A deterministic algorithm that reconstructs polynomials computed by Σ^{[k]}⋀^{[d]}Σ circuits in time poly(n,d,c) ⋅ poly(k)^{k^{k^{10}}}, 
2) A randomized algorithm that reconstructs polynomials computed by multilinear Σ^{[k]}∏^{[d]}Σ circuits in time poly(n,d,c) ⋅ k^{k^{k^{k^{O(k)}}}}, 
3) A randomized algorithm that reconstructs polynomials computed by set-multilinear Σ^{[k]}∏^{[d]}Σ circuits in time poly(n,d,c) ⋅ k^{k^{k^{k^{O(k)}}}}, 
where c = log q if 𝔽 = 𝔽_q is a finite field, and c equals the maximum bit complexity of any coefficient of f if 𝔽 is infinite.
Prior to our work, polynomial time algorithms for the case when the rank, k, is constant, were given by Bhargava, Saraf and Volkovich [Vishwas Bhargava et al., 2021]. 
Another contribution of this work is correcting an error from a paper of Karnin and Shpilka [Zohar Shay Karnin and Amir Shpilka, 2009] (with some loss in parameters) that also affected Theorem 1.6 of [Vishwas Bhargava et al., 2021]. Consequently, the results of [Zohar Shay Karnin and Amir Shpilka, 2009; Vishwas Bhargava et al., 2021] continue to hold, with a slightly worse setting of parameters. For fixing the error we systematically study the relation between syntactic and semantic notions of rank of Σ Π Σ circuits, and the corresponding partitions of such circuits. 
We obtain our improved running time by introducing a technique for learning rank preserving coordinate-subspaces. Both [Zohar Shay Karnin and Amir Shpilka, 2009] and [Vishwas Bhargava et al., 2021] tried all choices of finding the "correct" coordinates, which, due to the size of the set, led to having a fast growing function of k at the exponent of n. We manage to find these spaces in time that is still growing fast with k, yet it is only a fixed polynomial in n.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Algebraic complexity theory
  • Algebraic circuits
  • reconstruction
  • tensor decomposition
  • tensor rank


  • Access Statistics
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