Modeling Resources in Permissionless Longest-Chain Total-Order Broadcast

Authors Sarah Azouvi, Christian Cachin , Duc V. Le , Marko Vukolić, Luca Zanolini

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Author Details

Sarah Azouvi
  • Protocol Labs
Christian Cachin
  • University of Bern, Switzerland
Duc V. Le
  • University of Bern, Switzerland
Marko Vukolić
  • Protocol Labs
Luca Zanolini
  • University of Bern, Switzerland


The authors thank anonymous reviewers for helpful feedback.

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Sarah Azouvi, Christian Cachin, Duc V. Le, Marko Vukolić, and Luca Zanolini. Modeling Resources in Permissionless Longest-Chain Total-Order Broadcast. In 26th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2022). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 253, pp. 19:1-19:23, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2023)


Blockchain protocols implement total-order broadcast in a permissionless setting, where processes can freely join and leave. In such a setting, to safeguard against Sybil attacks, correct processes rely on cryptographic proofs tied to a particular type of resource to make them eligible to order transactions. For example, in the case of Proof-of-Work (PoW), this resource is computation, and the proof is a solution to a computationally hard puzzle. Conversely, in Proof-of-Stake (PoS), the resource corresponds to the number of coins that every process in the system owns, and a secure lottery selects a process for participation proportionally to its coin holdings.
Although many resource-based blockchain protocols are formally proven secure in the literature, the existing security proofs fail to demonstrate why particular types of resources cause the blockchain protocols to be vulnerable to distinct classes of attacks. For instance, PoS systems are more vulnerable to long-range attacks, where an adversary corrupts past processes to re-write the history, than PoW and Proof-of-Storage systems. Proof-of-Storage-based and PoS-based protocols are both more susceptible to private double-spending attacks than PoW-based protocols; in this case, an adversary mines its chain in secret without sharing its blocks with the rest of the processes until the end of the attack.
In this paper, we formally characterize the properties of resources through an abstraction called resource allocator and give a framework for understanding longest-chain consensus protocols based on different underlying resources. In addition, we use this resource allocator to demonstrate security trade-offs between various resources focusing on well-known attacks (e.g., the long-range attack and nothing-at-stake attacks).

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Cryptographic protocols
  • Software and its engineering → Distributed systems organizing principles
  • blockchain
  • consensus
  • resource
  • broadcast


  • Access Statistics
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