b-move: Faster Bidirectional Character Extensions in a Run-Length Compressed Index

Authors Lore Depuydt , Luca Renders , Simon Van de Vyver , Lennart Veys, Travis Gagie , Jan Fostier

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Author Details

Lore Depuydt
  • Ghent University - imec, Belgium
Luca Renders
  • Ghent University - imec, Belgium
Simon Van de Vyver
  • Ghent University, Belgium
Lennart Veys
  • Ghent University, Belgium
Travis Gagie
  • Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Jan Fostier
  • Ghent University - imec, Belgium


The authors thank Ben Langmead, Nathaniel Brown, and Mohsen Zakeri for their helpful feedback and suggestions.

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Lore Depuydt, Luca Renders, Simon Van de Vyver, Lennart Veys, Travis Gagie, and Jan Fostier. b-move: Faster Bidirectional Character Extensions in a Run-Length Compressed Index. In 24th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 312, pp. 10:1-10:18, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)


Due to the increasing availability of high-quality genome sequences, pan-genomes are gradually replacing single consensus reference genomes in many bioinformatics pipelines to better capture genetic diversity. Traditional bioinformatics tools using the FM-index face memory limitations with such large genome collections. Recent advancements in run-length compressed indices like Gagie et al.’s r-index and Nishimoto and Tabei’s move structure, alleviate memory constraints but focus primarily on backward search for MEM-finding. Arakawa et al.’s br-index initiates complete approximate pattern matching using bidirectional search in run-length compressed space, but with significant computational overhead due to complex memory access patterns. We introduce b-move, a novel bidirectional extension of the move structure, enabling fast, cache-efficient bidirectional character extensions in run-length compressed space. It achieves bidirectional character extensions up to 8 times faster than the br-index, closing the performance gap with FM-index-based alternatives, while maintaining the br-index’s favorable memory characteristics. For example, all available complete E. coli genomes on NCBI’s RefSeq collection can be compiled into a b-move index that fits into the RAM of a typical laptop. Thus, b-move proves practical and scalable for pan-genome indexing and querying. We provide a C++ implementation of b-move, supporting efficient lossless approximate pattern matching including locate functionality, available at https://github.com/biointec/b-move under the AGPL-3.0 license.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Applied computing → Bioinformatics
  • Pan-genomics
  • FM-index
  • r-index
  • Move Structure
  • Bidirectional Search
  • Approximate Pattern Matching
  • Lossless Alignment
  • Cache Efficiency


  • Access Statistics
  • Total Accesses (updated on a weekly basis)
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