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- 12 pages
The tree inclusion problem is, given two node-labeled trees P and T (the "pattern tree" and the "text tree"), to locate every minimal subtree in T (if any) that can be obtained by applying a sequence of node insertion operations to P. Although the ordered tree inclusion problem is solvable in polynomial time, the unordered tree inclusion problem is NP-hard. The currently fastest algorithm for the latter is from 1995 and runs in O(poly(m,n) * 2^{2d}) = O^*(2^{2d}) time, where m and n are the sizes of the pattern and text trees, respectively, and d is the maximum outdegree of the pattern tree. Here, we develop a new algorithm that improves the exponent 2d to d by considering a particular type of ancestor-descendant relationships and applying dynamic programming, thus reducing the time complexity to O^*(2^d). We then study restricted variants of the unordered tree inclusion problem where the number of occurrences of different node labels and/or the input trees' heights are bounded. We show that although the problem remains NP-hard in many such cases, it can be solved in polynomial time for c = 2 and in O^*(1.8^d) time for c = 3 if the leaves of P are distinctly labeled and each label occurs at most c times in T. We also present a randomized O^*(1.883^d)-time algorithm for the case that the heights of P and T are one and two, respectively.
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