Profitable Manipulations of Cryptographic Self-Selection Are Statistically Detectable

Authors Linda Cai , Jingyi Liu , S. Matthew Weinberg , Chenghan Zhou

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Author Details

Linda Cai
  • Princeton University, NJ, USA
Jingyi Liu
  • Princeton University, NJ, USA
S. Matthew Weinberg
  • Princeton University, NJ, USA
Chenghan Zhou
  • Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA

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Linda Cai, Jingyi Liu, S. Matthew Weinberg, and Chenghan Zhou. Profitable Manipulations of Cryptographic Self-Selection Are Statistically Detectable. In 6th Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 316, pp. 30:1-30:23, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)


Cryptographic Self-Selection is a common primitive underlying leader-selection for Proof-of-Stake blockchain protocols. The concept was first popularized in Algorand [Jing Chen and Silvio Micali, 2019], who also observed that the protocol might be manipulable. [Matheus V. X. Ferreira et al., 2022] provide a concrete manipulation that is strictly profitable for a staker of any size (and also prove upper bounds on the gains from manipulation).
Separately, [Maryam Bahrani and S. Matthew Weinberg, 2024; Aviv Yaish et al., 2023] initiate the study of undetectable profitable manipulations of consensus protocols with a focus on the seminal Selfish Mining strategy [Eyal and Sirer, 2014] for Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work longest-chain protocol. They design a Selfish Mining variant that, for sufficiently large miners, is strictly profitable yet also indistinguishable to an onlooker from routine latency (that is, a sufficiently large profit-maximizing miner could use their strategy to strictly profit over being honest in a way that still appears to the rest of the network as though everyone is honest but experiencing mildly higher latency. This avoids any risk of negatively impacting the value of the underlying cryptocurrency due to attack detection).
We investigate the detectability of profitable manipulations of the canonical cryptographic self-selection leader selection protocol introduced in [Jing Chen and Silvio Micali, 2019] and studied in [Matheus V. X. Ferreira et al., 2022], and establish that for any player with α < (3-√5)/2 ≈ 0.38 fraction of the total stake, every strictly profitable manipulation is statistically detectable. Specifically, we consider an onlooker who sees only the random seed of each round (and does not need to see any other broadcasts by any other players). We show that the distribution of the sequence of random seeds when any player is profitably manipulating the protocol is inconsistent with any distribution that could arise by honest stakers being offline or timing out (for a natural stylized model of honest timeouts).

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design
  • Applied computing → Digital cash
  • Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Proof-of-Stake
  • Strategic Mining
  • Statistical Detection


  • Access Statistics
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