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- 14 pages
In the hardcore model, certain vertices in a graph are active: the active vertices must form an independent set. We extend this to a multicoloured version: instead of simply being active or not, the active vertices are assigned a colour; active vertices of the same colour must not be adjacent. This models a scenario in which two neighbouring resources may interfere when active - eg, short-range radio communication. However, there are multiple channels (colours) available; they only interfere if both use the same channel. Other applications include routing in fibreoptic networks. We analyse Glauber dynamics. Vertices update their status at random times, at which a uniform colour is proposed: the vertex is assigned that colour if it is available; otherwise, it is set inactive. We find conditions for fast mixing of these dynamics. We also use them to model a queueing system: vertices only serve customers in their queue whilst active. The mixing estimates are applied to establish positive recurrence of the queue lengths, and bound their expectation in equilibrium.
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