Computing the LCP Array of a Labeled Graph

Authors Jarno N. Alanko , Davide Cenzato , Nicola Cotumaccio , Sung-Hwan Kim , Giovanni Manzini , Nicola Prezza

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Author Details

Jarno N. Alanko
  • University of Helsinki, Finland
Davide Cenzato
  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Nicola Cotumaccio
  • University of Helsinki, Finland
Sung-Hwan Kim
  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Giovanni Manzini
  • University of Pisa, Italy
Nicola Prezza
  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy

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Jarno N. Alanko, Davide Cenzato, Nicola Cotumaccio, Sung-Hwan Kim, Giovanni Manzini, and Nicola Prezza. Computing the LCP Array of a Labeled Graph. In 35th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 296, pp. 1:1-1:15, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024)


The LCP array is an important tool in stringology, allowing to speed up pattern matching algorithms and enabling compact representations of the suffix tree. Recently, Conte et al. [DCC 2023] and Cotumaccio et al. [SPIRE 2023] extended the definition of this array to Wheeler DFAs and, ultimately, to arbitrary labeled graphs, proving that it can be used to efficiently solve matching statistics queries on the graph’s paths. In this paper, we provide the first efficient algorithm building the LCP array of a directed labeled graph with n nodes and m edges labeled over an alphabet of size σ. The first step is to transform the input graph G into a deterministic Wheeler pseudoforest G_{is} with O(n) edges encoding the lexicographically- smallest and largest strings entering in each node of the original graph. Using state-of-the-art algorithms, this step runs in O(min{mlog n, m+n²}) time on arbitrary labeled graphs, and in O(m) time on Wheeler DFAs. The LCP array of G stores the longest common prefixes between those strings, i.e. it can easily be derived from the LCP array of G_{is}. After arguing that the natural generalization of a compact-space LCP-construction algorithm by Beller et al. [J. Discrete Algorithms 2013] runs in time Ω(nσ) on pseudoforests, we present a new algorithm based on dynamic range stabbing building the LCP array of G_{is} in O(nlog σ) time and O(nlogσ) bits of working space. Combined with our reduction, we obtain the first efficient algorithm to build the LCP array of an arbitrary labeled graph. An implementation of our algorithm is publicly available at

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Theory of computation → Sorting and searching
  • Theory of computation → Graph algorithms analysis
  • Theory of computation → Pattern matching
  • LCP array
  • Wheeler automata
  • prefix sorting
  • pattern matching
  • sorting


  • Access Statistics
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