Vincent: Green Hot Methods in the JVM (Extended Abstract)

Authors Kenan Liu, Khaled Mahmoud, Joonhwan Yoo, Yu David Liu

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Kenan Liu
  • SUNY Binghamton, NY, USA
Khaled Mahmoud
  • SUNY Binghamton, NY, USA
Joonhwan Yoo
  • SUNY Binghamton, NY, USA
Yu David Liu
  • SUNY Binghamton, NY, USA

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Kenan Liu, Khaled Mahmoud, Joonhwan Yoo, and Yu David Liu. Vincent: Green Hot Methods in the JVM (Extended Abstract). In 36th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2022). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 222, pp. 32:1-32:30, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2022)


In this paper, we show the energy efficiency of Java applications can be improved by applying Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) inside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). We augment the JVM to record the energy consumption of hot methods as the underlying CPU is run at different clock frequencies; after all the frequency possibilities for a method have been explored, the execution of the method in an optimized run is set to the CPU frequency that leads to the most energy-efficient execution for that method. We introduce a new sampling methodology to overcome the dual challenges in our design: both the underlying measurement mechanism for energy profiling and the DVFS for energy optimization are overhead-prone. We extend JikesRVM with our approach and benchmark it over the DaCapo suite on a server-class Linux machine. Experiments show we are able to use 14.9% less energy than built-in power management in Linux, and improve energy efficiency by 21.1% w.r.t. the metric of Energy-Delay Product (EDP).

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Software and its engineering → Software performance
  • energy efficiency
  • JVM
  • just-in-time compilation


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