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- 20 pages
We study three problems related to the computational complexity of the popular game Minesweeper. The first is consistency: given a set of clues, is there any arrangement of mines that satisfies it? This problem has been known to be NP-complete since 2000 [Kaye, 2000], but our framework proves it as a side effect. The second is inference: given a set of clues, is there any cell that the player can prove is safe? The coNP-completeness of this problem has been in the literature since 2011 [Scott et al., 2011], but we discovered a flaw that we believe is present in all published results, and we provide a fixed proof. Finally, the third is solvability: given the full state of a Minesweeper game, can the player win the game by safely clicking all non-mine cells? This problem has not yet been studied, and we prove that it is coNP-complete.
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