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- 18 pages
This paper studies how to minimize the total cost of answering r queries over n elements in an online manner (i.e., the next query is given only after the previous query’s result is ready) when the value r ≤ n is unknown in advance. Traditional indexing, which first builds a complete index on the n elements before answering queries, may be unsuitable because the index’s construction time - usually Ω(n log n) - can become the performance bottleneck. In contrast, for many problems, a lower bound of Ω(n log (1+r)) holds on the total cost of r queries for every r ∈ [1, n]. Matching this lower bound is a primary objective of deferred data structuring (DDS), also known as database cracking in the system community. For a wide class of problems, we present generic reductions to convert traditional indexes into DDS algorithms that match the lower bound for a long range of r. For a decomposable problem, if a data structure can be built in O(n log n) time and has Q(n) query search time, our reduction yields an algorithm that runs in O(n log (1+r)) time for all r ≤ (n log n)/(Q(n)), where the upper bound (n log n)/(Q(n)) is asymptotically the best possible under mild constraints. In particular, if Q(n) = O(log n), then the O(n log (1+r))-time guarantee extends to all r ≤ n, with which we optimally settle a large variety of DDS problems. Our results can be generalized to a class of "spectrum indexable problems", which subsumes the class of decomposable problems.
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