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- 19 pages
We present a theoretical framework for the extraction and transformation of text documents as a two-phase process: The first phase uses document spanners to extract information from the input document. The second phase transforms the extracted information into a suitable output. To support several reasonable extract-transform scenarios, we propose for the first phase an extension of document spanners from span-tuples to so-called multispan-tuples, where variables are mapped to sets of spans instead of only single spans. We focus on multispanners described by regex formulas, and we prove that these have the same desirable properties as standard regular spanners. To formalize the second phase, we consider transformations that map every pair document-tuple, where each tuple comes from the (multi)span-relation extracted in the first phase, into a new output document. The specification of the two phases is what we call an extract-transform (ET) program, which covers practically relevant extract-transform tasks. In this paper, our main technical goal is to identify a broad class of ET programs that can be evaluated efficiently. We specifically focus on the scenario of regular ET programs: the extraction phase is given by a regex multispanner and the transformation phase is given by a regular string-to-string function. We show that for any regular ET program, given an input document, we can enumerate all final output documents with output-linear delay after linear preprocessing. As a side effect, we characterize the expressive power of regular ET programs and also show that they have desirable properties, like being closed under composition.
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