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- 15 pages
We study various clustering problems for a set D of n points in a polygonal domain P under the geodesic distance. We start by studying the discrete k-median problem for D in P. We develop an exact algorithm which runs in time poly(n,m) + n^O(√k), where m is the complexity of the domain. Subsequently, we show that our approach can also be applied to solve the k-center problem with z outliers in the same running time. Next, we turn our attention to approximation algorithms. In particular, we study the k-center problem in a simple polygon and show how to obtain a (1+ε)-approximation algorithm which runs in time 2^{O((k log(k))/ε)} (n log(m) + m). To obtain this, we demonstrate that a previous approach by Bădoiu et al. [Bâdoiu et al., 2002; Bâdoiu and Clarkson, 2003] that works in ℝ^d, carries over to the setting of simple polygons. Finally, we study the 1-center problem in a simple polygon in the presence of z outliers. We show that a coreset C of size O(z) exists, such that the 1-center of C is a 3-approximation of the 1-center of D, when z outliers are allowed. This result is actually more general and carries over to any metric space, which to the best of our knowledge was not known so far. By extending this approach, we show that for the 1-center problem under the Euclidean metric in ℝ², there exists an ε-coreset of size O(z/ε).
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