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- 18 pages
We present a mechanized embedding of higher-order logic (HOL) and algebraic data types (ADTs) into first-order logic with ZFC axioms. Our approach interprets types as sets, with function (arrow) types coinciding with set-theoretic function spaces. We assume traditional FOL syntax without notation for term-level binders. To embed λ-terms, we define a notion of context, defining the closure of all abstractions occuring inside a term. We implement the embedding in the Lisa proof assistant for schematic first-order logic and its library based on axiomatic set theory (presented at ITP 2023). We show how to implement type checking and the proof steps of HOL Light as proof-producing tactics in Lisa. The embedded HOL theorems and proofs are interoperable with the existing Lisa library. This yields a form of soft type system supporting top-level polymorphism and ADTs within set theory. The approach offers tools for Lisa users to carry HOL-style proofs within set theory. It also enables the import of HOL Light theorem statements into Lisa, as well as the replay of small HOL Light kernel proofs.
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