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- 20 pages
In this paper, we revisit SAT encodings of the partial-ordering based ILP model for the graph coloring problem (GCP) and suggest a generalization for the bandwidth coloring problem (BCP). The GCP asks for the minimum number of colors that can be assigned to the vertices of a given graph such that each two adjacent vertices get different colors. The BCP is a generalization, where each edge has a weight that enforces a minimal "distance" between the assigned colors, and the goal is to minimize the "largest" color used. For the widely studied GCP, we experimentally compare the partial-ordering based SAT encoding to the state-of-the-art approaches on the DIMACS benchmark set. Our evaluation confirms that this SAT encoding is effective for sparse graphs and even outperforms the state-of-the-art on some DIMACS instances. For the BCP, our theoretical analysis shows that the partial-ordering based SAT and ILP formulations have an asymptotically smaller size than that of the classical assignment-based model. Our practical evaluation confirms not only a dominance compared to the assignment-based encodings but also to the state-of-the-art approaches on a set of benchmark instances. Up to our knowledge, we have solved several open instances of the BCP from the literature for the first time.
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