Geometric Realizations of the 3D Associahedron (Multimedia Exposition)

Authors Satyan L. Devadoss, Daniel D. Johnson, Justin Lee, Jackson Warley

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Author Details

Satyan L. Devadoss
Daniel D. Johnson
Justin Lee
Jackson Warley

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Satyan L. Devadoss, Daniel D. Johnson, Justin Lee, and Jackson Warley. Geometric Realizations of the 3D Associahedron (Multimedia Exposition). In 34th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2018). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 99, pp. 75:1-75:4, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2018)


The associahedron is a convex polytope whose 1-skeleton is isomorphic to the flip graph of a convex polygon. There exists an elegant geometric realization of the associahedron, using the remarkable theory of secondary polytopes, based on the geometry of the underlying polygon. We present an interactive application that visualizes this correspondence in the 3D case.

Subject Classification

  • associahedron
  • secondary polytope
  • realization


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