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- 22 pages
We investigate the succinctness gap between two known equally-expressive and different linear-past extensions of standard CTL^* (resp., ATL^*). We establish by formal non-trivial arguments that the "memoryful" linear-past extension (the history leading to the current state is taken into account) can be exponentially more succinct than the standard "local" linear-past extension (the history leading to the current state is forgotten). As a second contribution, we consider the ATL-like fragment, denoted ATL_{lp}, of the known "memoryful" linear-past extension of ATL^{*}. We show that ATL_{lp} is strictly more expressive than ATL, and interestingly, it can be exponentially more succinct than the more expressive logic ATL^{*}. Moreover, we prove that both satisfiability and model-checking for the logic ATL_{lp} are Exptime-complete.
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