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- 11 pages
Embedded system applications usually have requirements regarding non-functional properties of their execution like latency or power consumption. Enforcement of such requirements can be implemented by a reactive control loop, where an enforcer determines based on a system response (feedback) how to control the system, e.g., by selecting the number of active cores allocated to a program or by scaling their voltage/frequency mode. It is of a particular interest to design enforcement strategies for which it is possible to provide formal guarantees with respect to requirement violations, especially under a largely varying environmental input (workload) per execution. In this paper, we consider enforcement strategies that are modeled by a finite state machine (FSM) and the environment by a discrete-time Markov chain. Such a formalization enables the formal verification of temporal properties (verification goals) regarding the satisfaction of requirements of a given enforcement strategy. In this paper, we propose history-based enforcement FSMs which compute a reaction not just on the current, but on a fixed history of K previously observed system responses. We then analyze the quality of such enforcement FSMs in terms of the probability of satisfying a given set of verification goals and compare them to enforcement FSMs that react solely on the current system response. As experimental results, we present three use cases while considering requirements on latency and power consumption. The results show that history-based enforcement FSMs outperform enforcement FSMs that only consider the current system response regarding the probability of satisfying a given set of verification goals.
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